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The Many Benefits of Robust Warehouse Management Systems

Busy warehouses are hubs where massive amounts of products flow through on a daily basis. Warehouses that struggle with inventory counts or that are always trying to play catch-up with new rules and regulations are going to struggle to retain clients and to make sure items are shipped on time.


The importance of a powerful warehouse management system can’t be understated. These systems are able to seamlessly help manage inventory and help a warehouse team stay on top of orders.


At Strategic Warehousing, we use the Logimax inventory control system and provide an online portal where customers can view their inventory and shipping details.


We believe that cutting-edge technology for clients and our warehouse team benefits everyone in the St. Paul, MN, area.


Here are a few key benefits that a powerful warehouse management system offers.


  • Smooths Out Hiccups with Inventory Management: A good warehouse management system gives a warehouse team the ability to track each and every product inside the building in real-time. This lets wholesalers understand what items need to be restocked and gives customers peace of mind that their products are processed and shipped on time.
  • Creates a Concrete Tracking Chain: Products that get lost while being processed and shipped will lead to angry customers. A management system automates working assignments and shipping pathways to make it easier to track where a shipment is. Additionally, management systems will also boost picking accuracy, which reduces the chances of incorrect orders.
  • Boosts Sales and Profits: A good warehouse management system is a strong return on investment. The ability to accurately ship more products is going to lead to happy customers, opening up chances for the warehouse’s revenue to increase. The ability to move products through a warehouse at optimal speed also helps worker productivity since employees don’t have to spend as much time checking other’s work or fixing errors.
  • Easily Integrates with Other Business Systems: Good warehouse management systems are able to easily integrate with other business software. This helps warehouses scale up without having to spend money on replacing software and then having to retrain employees.


The Strategic Warehousing team utilizes some of the best warehouse management systems technology out on the market today. We believe investing in cutting-edge programs and software is beneficial for both our customers and staffers by ensuring that products are shipped on time.


If you’re interested in working with Minnesota’s and the Midwest’s leading warehouse provider, give our team at Strategic Warehousing a call today at (651) 405-1920. We’re happy to consult with companies in and around the St. Paul, MN, area.

How to Come Up with a Smart Fulfillment Logistics Strategy

Customer fulfillment strategies are an integral part of ensuring products reach buyers in a swift and efficient manner. In a world where technology continues to improve on a daily basis, there’s no shortage of fulfillment logistics strategies for companies in the Minneapolis, MN, area to take advantage of.


Many businesses choose to let a warehouse serve as the bulk of a fulfillment strategy, since companies who are experts in the field are able to handle packaging, distribution, and data analysis of shipped products.


At Strategic Warehousing, our team stands prepared to utilize the Logimax real-time inventory control system to customize a fulfillment logistics plan that’s tailored for companies large and small.


Relying on our fulfillment infrastructure means your business doesn’t have to invest in warehousing and additional employees to fulfill items.


A few factors companies should look for when choosing a fulfillment partner include:


  • Warehouse Information: Warehouses that are too small for your operations are not going to allow you to scale. Additionally, a warehouse that’s far from major shipping routes (roads, airports, ports) is going to drive up costs and could lead to product delays. At Strategic Warehousing, we’ve been trusted as the leading warehouse provider for more than 30 years due to our extensive infrastructure and location near major shipping arteries.
  • Technological Capabilities: Warehouses that fail to use up-to-date logistical software can hamper your businesses’ potential, especially during peak seasons where it’s vitally important to manage and ship a large amount of orders in a short time. Our inventory control software allows us to optimize storage space and craft customized logistical processes to help companies save time and money on shipments. We also utilize a state-of-the-art management system called Logimation to manage shipments from initial order all the way to delivery.


Strategic Warehousing is ready to help if you’re struggling to come up with an effective fulfillment logistics plan for your company in the Minneapolis, MN, area.


Call us today to speak with one of our team members to learn more on how we can tailor our services to meet your needs, or contact us on our website to get started on a consultation.


The Many Benefits of Robust Warehouse Management Systems

Busy warehouses are hubs where massive amounts of products flow through on a daily basis. Warehouses that struggle with inventory counts or that are always trying to play catchup with new rules and regulations are going to struggle to retain clients and to make sure items are shipped on time.


The importance of a powerful warehouse management system can’t be understated. These systems are able to seamlessly help manage inventory and help a warehouse team stay on top of orders.


At Strategic Warehousing, we use the Logimax inventory control system and provide an online portal where customers can view their inventory and shipping details.


We believe that cutting-edge technology for clients and our warehouse team benefits everyone in the St. Paul, MN, area.


Here are a few key benefits that a powerful warehouse management system offers.


  • Smooths Out Hiccups with Inventory Management: A good warehouse management system gives a warehouse team the ability to track each and every product inside the building in real-time. This lets wholesalers understand what items need to be restocked and gives customers peace of mind that their products are processed and shipped on time.
  • Creates a Concrete Tracking Chain: Products that get lost while being processed and shipped will lead to angry customers. A management system automates working assignments and shipping pathways to make it easier to track where a shipment is. Additionally, management systems will also boost picking accuracy, which reduces the chances of incorrect orders.
  • Boosts Sales and Profits: A good warehouse management system is a strong return on investment. The ability to accurately ship more products is going to lead to happy customers, opening up chances for the warehouse’s revenue to increase. The ability to move products through a warehouse at optimal speed also helps worker productivity since employees don’t have to spend as much time checking other’s work or fixing errors.
  • Easily Integrates with Other Business Systems: Good warehouse management systems are able to easily integrate with other business software. This helps warehouses scale up without having to spend money on replacing software and then having to retrain employees.


The Strategic Warehousing team utilizes some of the best warehouse management systems technology out on the market today. We believe investing in cutting-edge programs and software is beneficial for both our customers and staffers by ensuring that products are shipped on time.


If you’re interested in working with Minnesota’s and the Midwest’s leading warehouse provider, give our team at Strategic Warehousing a call today at (651) 405-1920. We’re happy to consult with companies in and around the St. Paul, MN, area.

The Many Advantages of Freight Consolidation in St. Paul, MN

Freight consolidation is a useful tool for shippers interested in saving money and time. While it might seem strange to lump your items in with others, especially if you’re looking to ship items swiftly, freight consolidation offers a number of benefits to shippers and warehouses in and around the St. Paul, MN area.


Here’s a brief breakdown of a few major advantages of consolidation and how your business can benefit:

  • Opportunity to Take Advantage of a Dedicated Fleet: Many businesses and warehouses that consolidate shipments work with a dedicated fleet of shippers. This ensures products can move on a regular schedule without having to spend an excess amount of money on vast trucking networks. As a result, consolidating shipments can help the environment by tightening supply chains and reducing transport times.
  • A Seamless Tracking Experience: Consolidated shipments reduce the number of packages being shipped. This helps your business keep track of items and their locations, making it easier to ensure items arrive to their final destinations. Additionally, warehouses that consolidate shipments are often able to move items faster.
  • Reduces Risk: Consolidated shipments inherently cut down on the risk of packages being lost or damaged because there’s less opportunity for issues since items are not being unpacked and then re-packed. Additionally, consolidated shipments open opportunities to partner with other businesses in the same sphere. This shared collaboration means there are more eyes on items and less of a chance they’ll be handled haphazardly.
  • A Variety of Service Options: Freight consolidation opens a plethora of shipping options. Traditional shipping companies might have just one type of focus, but consolidating items can lead to multi-mode transportation scenarios where items can be moved by air, land, or sea. Each have their pros and cons, but all shipping methods can be utilized to ensure items reach their final destinations on time and in a cost-effective manner.

One of our goals at Strategic Warehousing is to save you time and money. One of the best ways to do so is to take advantage of our comprehensive freight consolidation service in the St. Paul, MN area.

We’ll be happy to work with you and explain the different types of consolidation options and how consolidating can help protect the environment, reduce waste, and get your products moving faster.

Explore our website if you’re interested in learning more, and feel free to fill out our online contact form with any questions.



Important Factors when Considering a Distribution Warehouse

Efficient and well-organized distribution warehouses are strong options for those interested in saving money on shipping and logistics costs.

The location of Strategic Warehousing, near major interstate systems in the Midwest, gives clients major business advantages in shortening lead times and transporting inventory.

There are a few key factors to keep in mind when considering a distribution warehouse in Minneapolis, MN.


  • Storage: It’s important to have a firm grasp on what a distribution warehouse can actually store. The ability to store a variety of goods helps businesses quickly move products through warehouses since they have the proper support. Warehouses that are able to store a variety of goods will also have a staff that understands how to handle and move items properly. Skilled staff goes a long way toward ensuring items are moved out of the distribution warehouses to final destinations.
  • Location: Distribution warehouses should be geographically well placed to help facilitate the seamless transfer of products. Ideally, a warehouse would be located near strategic trucking lines, railroads, or near major highways so products can get on the move quickly. Strategic Warehousing facilities are located at key transportation junctures in the Midwest to make sure items move out of our warehouse and onto the road in a cost-efficient manner. We understand how important cost savings are to freight and LTL shippers.
  • Technological Capabilities: Distribution warehouses should be equipped with technology that ensures items are quickly scanned, labeled, and tracked as they move through the warehouse. Old or outdated scanning systems hurt logistics and can lead to delays with ingoing and outgoing shipments. Time is money, so items that don’t move on time hurt a business’s bottom line. At Strategic Warehousing, our team is equipped with RF barcode scanning technology to efficiently manage inventory. The technology is fool-proof and makes fulfillment a breeze since categorized items are easily able to be searched in real time.


The right distribution warehouse can make all the difference for a business. The ability to store products, manage items in real time, and consolidate freight shipments helps to save time, money, and benefit the environment.

At Strategic Warehousing, we offer a variety of customer-centric services that are designed to ensure swift warehousing and management of inventory. Customers feel at ease through our real-time data management dashboard that provides updates on inventory and shipments.


Give us a call at (651) 405-1920 if you’re ready to work with the top distribution warehouse in the Minneapolis, MN, area.

Freight Consolidation Helps Streamline Warehouse Logistics in St. Paul, MN

What happens when you have a product that is ready to be mailed for delivery but does not meet the volume requirements for a full truckload? Usually, it means spending more money to ship items on time separately and without a full load.


The Strategic Warehousing team understands how important it is for clients to save time and money. Comprehensive freight consolidation services in St. Paul, MN, provide opportunities to eliminate shipping waste and reduce transportation and mailing bills, all while ensuring products arrive to their destination on time.


At Strategic Warehousing, we are careful to ensure packages are wrapped properly before being consolidated with other shipments. Our cross-docking system maximizes space while keeping shipments moving throughout our warehouse to reach their final destinations on time.


Effective freight consolidation provides a number of benefits. Consolidated loads pass through fewer hands as they travel to final destinations. This helps mitigate the risk of damage or other potential issues as packages are moved across multiple trucks.


Consolidated freight often reaches its destination quickly because there are usually no stop-offs as the items move. Items that share rides with other products help promote environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions.


Strategic Warehousing works to make the consolidation process simple. Instead of complex algorithms and confusing metrics, we rely on our technology to craft simple pricing schemes and efficient packing metrics to ensure shipments are cost-effective and reach their destinations.


Consolidation services are also able to be combined with a variety of our other services. Let us safely store items with our flexible system that makes it easy to ramp up or scale back volume and square footage as your business changes.


Our real-time inventory control system gives our technicians the ability to design cost-effective fulfillment programs for inventories large and small.


Looking for some advice about fulfillment, shipping, or storage? Let one of our specialists help. We also offer strategic consulting services via customized packages that ensure questions get answered by a professional in the field. We are happy to collaborate with virtually any business across a wide range of industries.


Interested in keeping your items moving through professional and effective freight consolidation services in and around the St. Paul, MN, area? Strategic Warehousing is here to help. Our team is happy to speak with a business to come up with a consolidation plan that maximizes time and money.


Also, clients have the ability to check on inventory and shipping details through a secure customer dashboard. Give us a call at (651) 405-1920 to learn more.

The Many Advantages of Utilizing EDI Capabilities in Minneapolis, MN

An effective supply chain and electronic data interchange (EDI) go hand in hand. Companies that take advantage of EDI capabilities in Minneapolis, MN, provided by Strategic Warehousing maintain the ability for streamlined communications with partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers.

True EDI capabilities include the ability to send and receive documents like HIPPA, X12, Tradcoms, and EDIFACT, while providing a set of concrete governance, management, and onboarding processes.

Companies looking to take advantage of EDI capabilities have the choice of working in-house or outsourcing. While it might be tempting to try and maintain in-house EDI, doing so can be tricky.

In-house EDI requires extensive software and hardware, and enough available IT resources and support to work through issues and maintain capabilities. Companies that work with in-house EDI also must strategize to try and determine the best way to onboard and update trading partners.

Working with Strategic Warehousing for outsourced EDI is a more simple and effective solution for a few important reasons.


  • Comprehensive Management: As Minnesota and the Midwest’s leading warehouse provider, Strategic Warehousing has years of experience managing and performing EDI-related processes for companies. Businesses can rest assured that the hardware and management are the focus of professionals who are vetted and experienced.
  • Opens Up Other Opportunities: In-house staff who and IT departments that do not have to focus on EDI can devote work to other projects for the business. This ability helps a company optimize its resources and devote valuable tech knowledge to in-house systems. Strategic Warehousing also devises plans to onboard and train partners, and to migrate old solutions to newer alternatives.

In addition, organizations that are EDI capable stand to reap significant advantages. A standardized communication system equates to reduced transaction costs through digitization and predictable workflows. Both of these advantages also help speed up processing times.

EDI solutions can also integrate with ERP systems to ensure transferred data is accurate. Manual relay into order systems without EDI capabilities opens up the door for errors and other issues.

Efficiency is an important KPI for any business—especially as packages, documents, and shipments are moving to be delivered in a safe and expedient manner—and EDI capabilities help with this.

Finally, EDI solutions offer businesses secure archive tracking and audit trails that comply with industry standards and the operating procedures of many businesses.

Global business and the interconnectedness of companies in the modern world means a lack of EDI capabilities renders an organization as not ready for business. To take advantage of effective and professional EDI capabilities in Minneapolis MN, reach out to Strategic Warehousing to learn more about how we can serve your company.


Give us a call at (651) 405-1920 to work with Strategic Warehousing.

Why the RF Scanner is Still the Most Useful Shipment Tracking Tool in St. Paul, MN

Shipment tracking through various warehouses can be a tricky endeavor if a company isn’t equipped with the right tools. A high volume of packages and inventory can quickly become out of control if items are not processed and logged efficiently.

At Strategic Warehousing, we understand the importance of getting your freight and cargo processed quickly so you know where your items are as they travel. Our team takes advantage of the radio frequency (RF) scanner for shipment tracking in and around the St. Paul, MN area to ensure incoming and outgoing items are properly accounted for.

Here’s two reasons why the RF scanner is the most useful and effective way to track shipments:

  • Extremely Accurate: The digital RF scanner gives a warehouse staffer instant access to the product database to ensure the item that was just scanned is accounted for in the central computer system. The ability to scan also gives customers updates about where their product is located as it travels. This provides peace of mind and gives a warehouse the ability to instantly pinpoint issues and inaccuracies so orders can be filled properly.
  • Fosters Efficiency: Employees who are equipped with RF scanners ensure all actions are on record to make sure inventory is accurate. If there’s an issue, the employee will be able to tell where the problem is and can complete cycle-counts to fix the issue. Warehouse employees who have access to a wide variety of information through their scanners are able to take more accountability for their work and operate so products and freight pass through without any issues.

Our team takes advantage of RF barcode scanning to help manage shipments and to give customers updates about inventory and project needs. We offer custom-tailored pick and pack fulfillment, inventory management, and warehousing for a variety of products that are processed with the RF scanner. If you’re interested in saving money while moving large amounts of freight or cargo, we provide consolidation services that reduce shipping waste and saves your business valuable time.


Our experienced team is ready to consult with your company to answer questions and explain the various flexible and cost-efficient warehousing options we provide. If you’re looking for efficient and professional warehousing, shipment tracking, and other logistical services in the St. Paul, MN, area, give Strategic Warehousing a call today at (651) 405-1920.

Make Your Life Easier with Expert Inventory Management Services in Minneapolis, MN

It can be tough to keep track of all that you have in your inventory. From computers to forklifts, warehousing can increasingly become a hassle with every new item.


With everyday tasks constantly on their radar, it’s not uncommon for business owners to put inventory management low on their priority lists. With a simple call you can leave it in the capable and confident hands of Strategic Warehousing in Minneapolis, MN.


We offer a multitude of services that will help streamline your inventory fulfillment and ensure your concentration stays on what happens in the office, not in the warehouse.


Are you hosting an event in your building or planning to transport office equipment? Leave it to us! Strategic Warehousing has the warehousing and logistics expertise necessary for making inventory management a breeze.


Our knowledgeable staff members are well versed in web fulfillment, parcel shipment, and more. We’re ready to tackle whatever you need, ranging from changing distribution centers to simple day-to-day inventory.


We use RF barcode scanning for easy, no-hassle management of incoming and outgoing inventory and shipments. We also give you the ability to log into our customer data dashboard remotely for an instant overview of your fulfillment logistics.


At Strategic Warehousing, we’re proud to practice Smart Storage – an inventory management system offering ultimate flexibility and saving money. Flexibility is the name of the game when it comes to our 24/7 warehousing. Depending on your business needs, we can increase or cut square footage and volume allocations to simplify your warehouse management.


Not in need of a full warehousing overhaul but seeking a little guidance? We’re here to help. We offer strategic consulting from experts who will walk you through just what you need for inventory fulfillment.


Whether you just need that little push from a conversation with our experts or a hand in maintaining your warehouse management, we’re here for you at (651) 405-1920. Call now for a consultation that can help get you on your way of achieving your business goals and logistical needs in Minneapolis, MN.

What If Warehouse Management Were More Than Managing A Big Box in St. Paul?

You don’t get to be Minnesota’s and the Midwest’s leading warehouse management and warehousing provider by concentrating on size alone. It’s how you manage a warehouse, and at Strategic Warehousing, we’re always looking for a better way in St. Paul and with our partners across the country.


At Strategic, better warehouse management starts by listening to you. We want to know what you want to achieve and to discuss your goals. It allows our team of specialists to build a custom plan for your logistics needs that complements your business’s future.


Maybe you just need storage space, or maybe your need for warehouse management includes food-grade storage and real time inventory control. We can do all of those things and more while protecting the safety of your cargo.


Sometimes better warehouse management means a client has an assignment that requires a lot of special attention. As an example, we’ve included a testimonial from a satisfied customer who needed some extra assistance in the St. Paul area:


Client Problem: An industry-leading and upscale producer of natural cleaning products needed a reliable, flexible national distribution operation for their growing business. Subject to seasonal retail spikes and line extensions, maximum flexibility and scalability were primary goals.

Strategic Solution: Strategic Warehousing engineered a sophisticated pick-and-pack operation able to efficiently manage the selection, careful packing, and efficient shipping of many different brand product items. The operation was located in a 78,000 square feet space and designed for maximum efficiency. To this date, happy consumers have no knowledge that this client outsources their distribution to a national partner.


The above example is just one of the reasons Strategic has been a key player in warehouse management in St. Paul and around the country for 30 years. Our many services and emphasis on logistics could very well be the crucial edge your business is looking for.


It’s why Strategic Warehousing is St. Paul and the area’s leading warehouse storage provider. From food to cleaning products, we’re where you need us to be with the services you want. Contact us today at (651) 405-1920 to learn how warehouse management is a winning strategy.